Posted By: Stella Pike | September 21, 2020
In early 2020, a new virus reported by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) began making headlines worldwide because of the unprecedented speed of its spread. The NIH traced its origins to a food market in Wuhan, China, during December 2019. Since then, it has been quick to reach countries as far away as the United States and Australia. If you do contact COVID-19, know that there are treatments available, however, at the time of this writing there’s no conclusive cure that works to make you immune and researchers are still working on cures at the NIH and other health organizations. Read on for COVID-19 Treatments And vaccines available based on current research that had success with select groups of people.
The coronavirus mainly spreads through person to person contact. When a sick person coughs or sneezes. They can spray droplets containing the virus as far as 6 feet away. If you are close to them, you might breathe or swallow them, the virus gets into your body, it is very quick to make you sick. Sometimes people who carry the virus don’t show light or no symptoms, but you can still be affected by them.
The virus also spreads when people touch or come in contact with a surface or object on which the virus cell exists, then when they touch their mouth, nose, or eyes it can be quick in infecting you. Learn to avoid touching surfaces unnecessarily. Coronavirus can last for several hours on different types of surfaces. The NIH’s research resources state that on Copper, it can live for 4 hours, on cardboard up to one day, and on plastic or stainless steel surfaces, it can last for 2 to 3 days. The NIH recommends using disinfectants to get rid of the virus. Be quick in disinfecting so that no one comes into contact with the virus cell. The best way is to keep yourself safe as there is currently no way to be immune. Search for disinfectants with more than 60% alcohol content.
The most common COVID-19 1st symptoms are fever, dry cough, and tiredness. Other less common symptoms that can affect certain patients include aches and pains, nasal congestion, headache, conjunctivitis, sore throat, nausea, loss of taste or scent, or a skin rash or finger or toe discoloration. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) resources state that typically these symptoms are mild, and start slowly. Many people get sick but show only very mild symptoms. Many people (around 80 percent) recover from the disease without seeking care in a hospital.
Research states that around 1 out of every 5 people affected by COVID-19 show severe symptoms and develop complications like breathing difficulties and disruption in antibody production states the NIH. These research resources also reveal that older individuals, and those with underlying medical conditions such as high blood pressure, heart and lung disorders, diabetes or cancer, are at severe risk of developing a serious illness.
Similar to other disorders caused by viral infections, Coronavirus may be diagnosed using a Covid 19 blood test, saliva, or tissue sample. Most tests however use a cotton swab to get a sample from the inside of your nostrils. Tests are carried out by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), some state health departments, and some private business resources. See the website of your state’s department of health to find out where testing is being offered near your address or visit the best hospital In Coimbatore.
Speak to your doctor immediately if you think you have COVID-19 or you notice severe symptoms and follow his/her guidance. Based on this your doctor will advise you to self-quarantine yourself at home, and monitoring your symptoms or be evaluated in a clinic, or visit the hospital if you are at risk of developing health complications.
There is currently no recommended medication for treating COVID-19, and no cure is available according to the NIH. Antibiotics aren’t effective for viral infections like COVID-19. There is no vaccine to make you immune. Researchers are evaluating a variety of potential remedies. The CDC granted approval for the antiviral medication remdesivir to treat extreme COVID-19 during emergencies. For people with severe COVID-19, those who require supplemental oxygen or mechanical ventilation, the U.S. NIH’s response was to recommend corticosteroid dexamethasone. Even those who have recovered from COVID-19 are not immune. The search for effective drug combinations is ongoing.
These clinical treatments are not cures, they are aimed at relieving symptoms and improving health. Sometimes they show no response. These medicines may include Pain killers (ibuprofen or acetaminophen), cough syrup, bed rest, and increased fluid intake. When you have mild symptoms, your doctor or medical staff may suggest recuperating at home. He or she will give you specific instructions to control the symptoms and immune system response and not spread the disease to others. These treatments may not be recommended for infected cancer patients as they may not show results.
The World Health Organization (WHO) announced the United Kingdom’s (UK) first clinical trial findings indicating that dexamethasone, a corticosteroid, could be a lifesaver for patients on ventilators. According to the latest news, research showed that the treatment reduced mortality by about one third, and for patients who needed only oxygen, mortality was cut by about one fifth, according to preliminary tests. The effect was only seen in patients with COVID-19 who were critically ill, and research did not provide successful clinical results in patients with relatively mild disease.
The Government of India approved the use of Remdesivir to treat critical COVID patients.
Earlier, the main treatment given to the patients of COVID-19 was HIV Drugs, a mix of Lopinavir, and Ritonavir. Off-label use of the drug combination of Hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin was advised for patients with a more severe infection of SARS-CoV2 after thorough research, especially those who needed ICU care. The research revealed that these drug combination trails are not recommended by the NIH for children younger than 15 years, pregnant, and nursing women.
Look for COVID-19 warning signs If your body displays any of these symptoms, act immediately, and seek emergency medical attention immediately:
● Breathing troubles
● Persistent chest pain or pressure
● Confusion
● Unable to wake up, or stay awake
● Bluish skin or lips
Not all possible symptoms are on this list. For any other clinical symptoms or responses that are serious or that worry you, especially if the patient suffers from existing diseases like cancer, please act immediately and contact your public healthcare institute.
Influenza (Flu) and COVID-19 are both infectious respiratory diseases but different viruses cause them. COVID-19 is caused by a new coronavirus infection (called SARS-CoV-2), and flu is caused by influenza virus infection. Because some of the symptoms of flu and coronavirus are similar, the difference between them can be difficult to tell based on symptoms alone, and testing may be necessary to help confirm a diagnosis.
● Wash your hands often with warm water and soap, for at least 20 seconds at a time. Search for hand sanitizers with more than 60% alcohol content.
● When your hands are dirty, don’t touch your face, eyes, nose, or mouth
● Do not go out if you feel sick or are having indications of cold or flu.
● Keep away from people from at least 6 feet (2 m )
● When you sneeze or cough, cover your mouth with a tissue, or the inside of your elbow. Throw out any tissues you have used instantly.
● Sanitize objects you touch a lot. Use disinfectants on objects such as phones, computers, doorknobs, etc. For things that you cook or eat with, such as utensils and dishware, use soap and water to sanitize.
● People who are at high risk, especially pregnant women, cancer patients, and the elder should not step out in public unless necessary for their safety.
● Remember to follow the rules informed by your government to control the spread.
● Contact the best hospital in Coimbatore if you need medical help. They will guide you on keeping yourself safe.
The virus named SARS-CoV-2 officially by the NIH and WHO has been the cause for millions of infections all over the world, resulting in hundreds of thousands of lives being lost as no one is immune to the virus. Current news states that The United States is the country most affected by the coronavirus. The illness caused by an infection with SARS-CoV-2, also called COVID-19, stands for coronavirus disease 2019. Given the global response in the news about this virus, there is no need to panic as you are unlikely to contract SARS-CoV-2 unless you have been in touch with someone who has an infection of SARS-CoV-2 according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH).