Goal Setting for Successful Weight Loss

Posted By: Stella Pike | May 28, 2017

Successful Weight Loss

As the New Year comes, everyone is excited to start the year right and aim to be better individuals than last year. Each of us makes a list of things of must do’s and don’ts. Aside from being more productive, the first thing that comes on top of almost every list is to lose weight.

ObesHow many times have you aimed to do aerobics at home or go to the gym every morning? Alternatively, lose at least 10 pounds in the first two weeks? If every year you start by making an extensive resolution, then be prepared to be disappointed.

At the start, most people are so energized, determined and motivated to perform exercise routines, to follow strict diets or to make a trip to the gym every day. Gyms and dieting centers are full of excited and eager people but, as the weeks pass these people are gradually decreasing in number until only a few are left.

Why does this usually happen? Simply because most people are trying to make big and almost impossible changes over a short period of time that when they feel they cannot attain their goal they start to feel tired and frustrated which eventually leads them to give up on their resolution.

What should one do to make a resolution successful? The secret is to be SMART. Aim for a SMART goal.

S = specific

M = measurable

A = attainable

R = realistic

T = timely

Your goal should be specific

What do you exactly want to achieve? Why is your motivation in achieving it? How do you plan and what should you do to achieve your goal?

Your goal should be measurable

Divide it into manageable segments, this way you can easily focus. For example, aim to lose 1-2 pounds in a week. Anything that exceeds in this measure is unhealthy for your body. Track your progress by writing down your goals. You will easily observe if you are making any progress or not. By dividing your ultimate goal into smaller ones and gradually achieving it, you start to feel successful. This will build momentum and will make you more motivated, excited and confident in achieving your ultimate goal.

Your goal should be attainable

Do you see yourself able to reach this goal? If at first you find it too difficult to achieve then you are most likely to give up on it.

Your goal should be realistic

Do not aim for a goal that appears too hard to reach on the first glance. You aim to lose 50 pounds the entire year, but a fifty pounds just seems too much. Instead, aim to lose weight at a rate of 1 pounds per week. It seems much easier and achievable. If you can achieve the smaller goals, then you will be motivated to achieve your bigger goals. After all, adding the 1 pounds per week, 4 pounds a month will eventually lead you to the 50 pounds for the whole year.

Your goal should be timely

By creating a time frame or a target date, you will be more motivated to begin working in achieving your goal. Keep in mind that your target date should be measurable, attainable and realistic.

If you want your resolution to be successful, the key is to be SMART!